ELVUI - Dragonflight

ELVUI updated incl. Addons
- download to your ...\World of Warcraft\_retail_ Folder
- delete Interface folder in ...\World of Warcraft\_retail_
- run self extracting archive from ...\World of Warcraft\_retail_ folder
Tradeskillmaster needs aditional App to have updated data you can disable the addon or ignore startup warning or you register and download at https://www.tradeskillmaster.com/
ElvUI should be installed and updated throught TukUI App https://www.tukui.org/download.php?client=win to get the latest updates and changelogs. Create an acount there for the App and participate in the comunity
All other Addons in this packages can be updated with CurseForge App https://download.curseforge.com/ which gives you always the latest Addon Versions and pretty awesome search functions
Updates are discontinued here on this page and will be just from time to time updated.